Additional Tips for Quitting Smoking
1. Drink eight glasses of water daily, with the first three consumed upon waking, to expedite the elimination of nicotine from your body.
2. Over the next ten days consider using a steam room or sauna to accelerate the removal of nicotine from your system, as a significant amount of nicotine leaves the body through the skin.
3. Maintain stable blood sugar levels by eating regularly and sensibly.
4. Take two deep breaths every half hour while awake, and practice deep breathing as often as possible in the coming weeks. Many individuals who quit smoking tend to stop taking deep breaths, which can lead to increased tension. The only truly relaxing aspect of nicotine is the belief in its relaxation properties, but deep breathing can be continued without the need for smoking.
5. To minimize withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Even with hypnosis, it's recommended to take these supplements as they help stabilize and strengthen the nervous system:
- Vitamin C (2000mg) - Vitamin B Complex - Vitamin B3 (Niacin, non-flush variety)
- Lobelia, an herb that aids in lung restoration and curbing cravings
- Selenium ACE, which can help prevent various cancers and combat tumor growth in the lungs, esophagus, liver, stomach, prostate, pancreas, brain, and kidney
Take one of each for the next 6 to 8 weeks
6. Listen to the hypnosis tape at least once a day for the next three weeks, even if you believe you don't need it. Don't be alarmed if you initially feel worse rather than better after quitting smoking, and do not use this as a reason to resume smoking. While most people experience rapid improvement in their health after quitting, a few may initially feel worse, with symptoms such as a persistent cough or stomach upset. This is attributed to the lung's cleansing process, as it eliminates nicotine deposits. Any side effects will only persist for a few days or weeks. Immediately, you will be free from tar, carbon monoxide, and other toxins. Within days, your breath and teeth will be cleaner, your breathing will become easier, and your circulation will improve. Your risk of developing lung cancer, heart disease and other smoking-related diseases will decrease steadily until it is hardly higher than if you had never smoked. Your body is ready and happy to be restored and upgraded.
Enjoy every day, knowing that you chose health and better well-being, you chose self-care and self-love. You positively expand and grow in the process. You are learning to receive more good so you can give more good. Let Go of useless cargo from the past.
Let it go
Your future is too good to hold back from yourself.
Love and Enjoy.